Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How 2 create an email

An email is one of the easiest way to communicate with each other.Nowadays all people use an email in their work places,colleges,school and offices to exchage information and to keep in touch.It's easy to create as when u drink a cup of water.... for example if u want to create it in windows live just follow this proses.......


  1. Thanks ...
    I don't know how can I open a new E-mail but Now I will open new E-mail for me Hahahah

  2. realy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    u joking with me isn't u???

  3. Hahahah
    Yes :P

    I have 6 E-mails Hahahah

    What about you ??

  4. ammm I have 5.... 4 at hotmail and 1 at yahoo...
    maybe i will increase later..
